
jeudi 14 janvier 2010

Poor Haiti! / Pauvre Haïti !

Poor Haiti!

I will not try to describe here what cannot be described. I do not mean any disrespect towards my friends who believe in God, but where is He!

Do not try to send goods there. Send money to the appropriate organisations. And try to put some pressure on your own government to force it to act immediately and send massive aid. Not tomorrow. Today. Saying that this is a matter of life and death is so ridiculous that I will refrain from it.

I have never suffered, Québec has never suffered anything like that. Tears come to my eyes.

The had nothing. Now they have less. They need all that our governments can send - medical aid, trucks, bulldozers, specialists to rebuild infrastructures and re-establish communications. Anything we can think of, they need it.

If we do not act on this, do we merit the term "human"?

PS: This blog is dedicated to photography. But here I had to speak. Don't feel that you have to comment.

Roger Gauthier, The Photographer Who Came From The Cold


Pauvre Haïti !

Je n'ai pas l'intention de décrire ici l'indescriptible. Sans offense pour mes amis qui croient en Dieu, je me demande : mais où est-Il ?

Ne tentez pas d'envoyer des choses matérielles. Envoyez plutôt de l'argent aux organisations appropriées. Et tentez aussi de faire pression sur votre gouvernement pour le forcer à agir immédiatement et à faire parvenir une aide massive. Pas demain. Aujourd'hui. Dire que c'est affaire de vie ou de mort serait si ridicule que je ne le ferai pas.

Je n'ai jamais souffert, le Québec n'a jamais souffert quoi que ce soit de cette amplitude. Les larmes me montent aux yeux.

Ils n'avaient rien. Maintenant, ils ont encore moins. Ils ont besoin de tout ce que nos gouvernements peuvent envoyer - aide médicale, camions, bulldozers, spécialistes pour reconstruire les services publics et rétablir les communications. Ils ont besoin de tout.

Si nous n'agissons pas, méritons-nous le titre d'humains ?

Ce blogue est dédié à la photographie. Mais ici, je devais faire une exception. Ne vous sentez pas obligés de commenter.

Roger Gauthier, Le photographe venu du froid

22 commentaires:

  1. Oui, je trouve tout cela très triste, tu as raison Roger d'en avoir parlé. Merci.

  2. I feel your pain. I think we all do, after have watched the news since yesterday - it is very sad and devastating...
    Many hugs,

  3. La plus petite action qu'on peut faire, c'est déjà beaucoup pour eux.

  4. Tu es le seul que je peux visiter ce matin, est-ce un signe , moi aussi je suis très triste de cette nouvelle , mais pour le moment je suis dans le concret et je repars ce matin. Fais un petit coucou pour moi à France et Nancy que je ne peux visiter ce matin. Un gros bonjour à Hélène et à bientôt !

  5. si, excelente crítica, ojala sea escuchada, y sin dios. porque como tú preguntas: ¿dónde está?


    Oui, excellente revue, je l'espère se faire entendre, et sans Dieu. car comme vous le demander: où est-il?

  6. Yes, all mankind should be united in such moments. Let`s hope this time we will.

  7. Croyez bien que nous avons pratiqué ce qu'il a prêché. Juste pour vous rassurer : tant de gens sont de grands parleurs et de petits faiseurs…

    Sa Ministre des finances


    Please be assured that we've put our money where his heart is. Just so you don't wonder, as so many people talk big and act so little…

    His Finance Minister

  8. You asked where God is, and I know He is right there feeling their pain with them. This was never His plan for the world or for Haiti. All the suffering in the world is the result of people turning away from God and letting sin enter into the world. After all, God gave us free will. What happened in Haiti was the work of sin and the devil. But God promises through Jesus to restore the world back to how it should be and make it a place of no more suffering! My heart hurts and aches because of the suffering in Haiti, and I know all I can do is pray for them and know that in suffering, God draws even closer to His people.

  9. Dear Tia,

    I do respect your opinion and your faith. I am an atheist though, but I am not trying to convince anybody. You must see my words as a profound gesture of frustration, which is exactly what it is, nothing more, nothing less.

    I hope you were not insulted by my words because there is no reason, none.

    Allow me though, and this is the last I will say here about this subject. Sin and evil have nothing to do with this. This is the result of tectonic movements. A God would never have punished Haiti for the sins of others, so sorry.

    Poor, poor Haiti, I will not pray for you. I will send money, as much as I can as I live in relative opulence. And I will ask my government to send hundreds of millions, as trucks, bulldozers, materials, anything. We have so much!

    Please do the same, Haitians desperately need it.

    Roger G,

    As a reminder: This is not a blog about religion. Exceptionally I posted about Haiti because we must help on a massive scale. Help. Help physically I mean.

  10. @Hélène: Parler beaucoup et faire peu ? Nos gouvernements sont passés maîtres en ce domaine.


  11. @ Reltih: Sí, ¿dónde está? Realmente no lo sé. Tenemos que ayudar ...


  12. Nancy, Solange et Suzanne, merci pour le support.



    Zuzana and Marius, indeed I do hope that this time we will truly help. Because let's face it: Haiti will need billions of dollars in help of any kind.


  13. I enjoyed your post Roger. You are absolutely right – this is a natural catastrophe which has nothing to do with religion. Pat Robertson has said that God is punishing the people of Haiti for their pack with the devil. Pat Robertson and people like him are the ignorant and evil ones. I am not a religious person either and hearing idiocies like these get me very mad. I posted the site to donate to Medecins sans Frontières/Doctors without Borders on my blog, but here it is: They have a code so it can be placed on one’s blog, but I did not know how to use it, so I copied it. Giving even just a little bit will help. Everyone who has any kind of decency should help – money + prayers if you like, but financial help is what’s needed.

  14. I hope I did not give the impression that we can't help these people physically, because that could not be farther from what I believe. Please understand that I will be doing everything in my power to help the people in Haiti in this way, as I feel is our duty.

    I did not mean any disrespect when stating my beliefs in God, and I do not believe that God is punishing Haiti for the sins of other people. In response to Vagabond, I do not believe that Haiti is being punished for its "pack with the devil." I hope I did not give the impression that that was my belief. I meant no disrespect, and am definitely not "ignorant and evil."

    I know this post was not about religion and I did not mean to turn it into one. My compassion for the physical state of Haiti is overwhelming and we are on the same team, I believe, in seeking to get as much help to Haiti as possible. Know that I will be doing my part as well in getting physical help to them.

  15. Thank you very much, Tia. It makes your position much clearer to me. :-) And I do know how difficult it can be to express opinions on such a subject in a few sentences.

    Roger G.

  16. Bonjour et tu vois c'est bien d'enparler. la tristesse je suis boulversée aussi. Alors faut je pense se mobiser

  17. Au fait tu ne m'as pas fait la commission de Suzanne lol

  18. J'ai été étonnée de ne pas voir de remarques sur Haïti sur les blogs que j'ai visités jusque là. Je pensais en voir un peu partout, c'est d'ailleurs pour cela (entre autres) que je n'en ai pas parlé, l'autre raison étant que je ne me pensais pas capable de bien dire ce que j'aurais voulu dire. Compliqué tout ça? Peut-être, mais je le suis parfois. En tout cas,merci de ce post.

  19. Non, rien n'est simple dans de telles occasions. Rien, mais rien du tout. Mais les moyens à mettre en oeuvre, eux doivent être aussi démesurés que le désastre lui-même.

    Beaucoup de pays ont besoin d'aide. Mais Haïti, aujourd'hui, Port-au-Prince surtout, il n'y a pas de mots.

    Roger G.

  20. C'est vrai que c'est dur de voir ces personnes dans la détresse totale merci de nous en parler
    bonne soirée

  21. Thank you Roger in the name of all good people in need for help!Food,clean water,love and peace to all!
    At least!
    Love and peace for you and yours amigo,:O) Aleksandra

    PS I hope your brother is OK

  22. @meretnature : merci, c'est maintenant notre devoir de contribuer pour que le peuple haïtien puisse se développer normalement.

    @Aleksandra: Yes indeed. And in such dire circumstances, help is always too late and not enough. Let's hope for a better future.

    Roger G.


Peu importe que vous soyez photographe ou non, expert ou non, je serai toujours heureux de lire vos commentaires ! :-)
I'm always happy to read your comments, whether you are a photographer or not, an expert or not! :-)