A Picture, A Name
A asked you to give a name to the picture in the previous post, and you came up with several interesting ideas. I had to choose, and this choice is most obviously subjective.
I almost had a winner with Sad Clown's idea, "Flower of Imagination". I was very tempted. However, Gypsywoman's title wins with "The Weeping Heart". It reflects the sadness that was mine when I made the image. Where is the joy?
Roger Gauthier, The Photographer Who Came From The Cold
Une image, un nom
Je vous avais demandé de donner un nom à l'image dans le message précédent et vous m'avez apporté plusieurs suggestions très intéressantes. Il fallait que je choisisse, et ce choix est de toute évidence subjectif.
J'ai considéré très sérieusement la suggestion de Sad Clown, « Fleur de l'imagination ». J'étais très tenté. Mais je choisis finalement le titre de Gupsywoman, « Le coeur en larmes » (difficile traduction ici...). Ce titre correspond bien à la tristesse qui était mienne quand j'ai réalisé l'image. Où est la joie ?
Roger Gauthier, Le photographe venu du froid
Five Years Ago, Without A Beard / Il y a cinq ans, sans barbe
Friend, you were very restrained in this picture.
RépondreEffacera hug
Hallo Roger.
RépondreEffacerI do not know the joy that you asked.
You mean the joy of the picture?
You showed us the beautiful colors that laugh.
Even a black background.
If your soul is crying, I understand your choice.
Maybe the choice in this case is somewhat subjective but it is correct.
Don't be sad, Roger.
Cast your sorrow ...
Maybe sometimes we must to be sad?
Today I'm happy and such a mood I'm sending you :)
C,est quand même comme ça que je te préfère :)))
RépondreEffacerLe coeur en larme mais c'est magnifique ROGER
RépondreEffacer?™? ♥
RépondreEffacer♥ ?™? ♥queques notes de musique♥~♥~
?™? ♥ ?™? ♥
♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥pour te souhaiter une bonne soirée♥~♥~
?™? ♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥
♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥ remplie de douceur et de bonheur♥~♥~
?™? ♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥
♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥ ?™? ♥
i am so honored, roger - this magnificent image speaks to my own heart - perhaps it takes a weeping heart to recognize another, yes?
RépondreEffacerand the joy? but, you see, you are giving us all such joy in the beauty of the image - an incredible experience -
of the other sorrow and joy, i cannot speak now - but i wish you the joy that you seek -
@Reltih: Restrained... I see what you mean, and thank you for being there.
RépondreEffacerMuchos abrazos, mi amigo.
your portrait speaks far more than mere words could ever describe - indescribably and intensely magnificent - thank you for sharing yourSELF through this image -
RépondreEffacer@Sad Clown: I pass through periods where the joy of Life seems to be gone. Is my soul shouting, if I have one? This work I do, trying to let my spirit soar through images, it asks too much of me I fear.
RépondreEffacerThen I ask myself: what am I missing? Or whom?
I am glad that you can feel happiness in your Life, so glad, I will try to grab part of it. Thanks a lot, friend, thanks more than I can say.
@Suzanne: Je sais, tu n'aimes pas ma barbe de prophète, par la barbe du prophète...
RépondreEffacerJ'ai enlevé la barbe et mis mon âme à nu.
@France : Merci, le nom vient de Jenean... Merci pour les souhaits. Aurais-tu senti que j'en avais besoin ?
RépondreEffacer@Jenean: You saw through this image, no doubt. You know, this image may be beautiful - is in fact beautiful, I know - but it leaves behind it, in my own mind, a dangerous emptiness.
RépondreEffacerYou know by now that I almost never post images that are the result of a click on a shutter. It takes so many hours, and after each one the same uncertainty: but where am I going? The truth is, I do not know.
Strange... I know what I am doing, but not where I am going. There is no joy is that, only a huge emptiness.
Yesterday... yesterday a friend stabbed me through the heart by disparaging my work in no uncertain terms. I reworked this portrait of mine and sent it to him to show my distress. To no avail. I will write a word about that tomorrow.
I would love to have certainties in what I do. I've got none, and yet it seems so vital to me. Anyway. Maybe we'll have snow tomorrow, and I will crawl under it.
Boujour Roger,
RépondreEffacerEn fait ta barbe est protectrice elle cache ta bouche qui en dit long sur cette photo et ton regard lui est semblable.
Je ne vais pas te dire que j'aime les barbus tu croirais que je drague et ce n'est pas le cas.
j'aime vraiment les barbus ah!ah!ah! tu ris n'est ce pas ?
La photo est très belle merci .
roger, i am so sorry to hear of the disparaging remarks made by someone - by anyone, actually - is is possible that they were not meant to be unkind - i know, too, how hurtful such a thing can be, especially when from someone we consider our friend - but, the trick, i think, is to focus on the work itself and your own knowledge of its worth and beauty - what it is to you, not to us - even though it really is so gratifying to have confirmation/validation of our work from others - the final critique, though, must be from ourSELF - we are the only one who knows what it is we felt, what we saw, what we knew of the truth in the moments of creation of the piece - and that, i think, must be our reward - our only reward, i think - for who knows us better than we, ourselves? - in any event, such unthinking remarks can be very unsettling and disappointing and i am sorry you are suffering such as this - and about not knowing where you are going - i wonder if any of us do most of the time? - you are not alone in that - should it snow there tomorrow, i hope you will sit by the fire and gather some of its warmth and peace -
RépondreEffacerTon âme à nu, oui. C'est bien pour ça que j'aime mieux sans barbe.
RépondreEffacerMais pour l'ombre, je suis impuissante.
In a comment that you didn't translate, you wrote that you'd taken away the beard and your soul was naked. And that's is exactly why I prefer you beardless.
For the darkness, though, it's out of my hands.