
jeudi 3 février 2011

Permission Denied / Permission refusée

Permission Denied

You see here only the contours of the portrait of a young girl, truly one of my best. My multiple requests to publish remain unanswered up to now. I am really sad.

Roger Gauthier, The Photographer Who Came From The Cold


Permission refusée

Vous ne voyez ici que les contours du portrait d'une jeune fille, portrait qui est certainement un de mes meilleurs. Mes multiples demandes d'autorisation sont demeurées sans réponse jusqu'à maintenant. Ça me rend vraiment triste.

Roger Gauthier, Le photographe venu du froid

Permission Denied / Permission refusée

44 commentaires:

  1. Roger, this is incomprehensible to me, because it is actually an incredibly distinctive, sensitive and very artistic picture. A fantastic job!

    But I know the feeling, I have my children's poems, which are really very good offer many publishers and received rejection slips. Some have responded only after one year. The market is saturated with so much. And it really needs is always a great amount of luck ...

    As always in life.

  2. @Isabella: Thanks... But I fear I did not say enough. Here in Canada, as well as in the US, you must get the authorisation from the person if you want to put their portrait on the web or publish it in any way.

    This is the authorisation that was denied to me. As the girl is under age, I asked the parents. Twice. And got no answer. So 'Im legally stuck, even if the person is very dear to me. I do not understand how someone could deny such a permission in the case of a work of art to be put on a blog like mine.


  3. so sorry to hear, roger - and while i'm sure it's little consolation, i do understand - and i continue to be very sorry - a beautiful completed image, i know it must be -

  4. @Jenean: Thanks... watch your email, dear Jenean, there is something for you.


  5. The most important is that this kind of thing is part of you!
    To share is not so important as what you feel: creation, cries, smiles and part of yourself that you can't define.
    Is you in this picture, is your soul!
    Congrats for your job!

  6. The portrait is really beautiful, too bad you denieguuen permission, encouragement, friend. Saludos

  7. @artebaiao: Hello Jaime, I understand what you're telling me, and you're most probably right.

    But... it took me more than 10 years before deciding to show my work, through expositions, my website, and my blog. I need this essential feedback... I sift through all comments and see how they can add to my own démarche, how they can help me progress further. So when I feel that I've reach another step, being denied the right to show is frustrating to say the least...

    ... Anyway.

  8. @Leovi: I still hope to get permission. I am working on it. If ever I get it, you will then see the "real" portrait, not this played-down version where the person cannot be recognised. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Leovi.


  9. Elle est jolie cette image, pourquoi , permission refusé ???

  10. @Suzanne : Bonsoir très chère... Ce n'est pas le vrai portrait. C'est une version modifiée pour rendre la jeune fille méconnaissable. J'ai demandé la permission de publier le portrait et on m'a dit non. Mais personne ne peut m'interdire de publier une image où la personne est pratiquement méconnaissable. Bien dommage, je trouve.

  11. Ce n'est pas une question facile.

  12. Je n'arrive pas a comprendre. POurquoi c'est refusé!!!!
    Elle est magnifique cette femme j'adore ce portrait Roger

  13. Hello Roger!
    Thank you for your visit on my blog and a friendly word that you left there.
    I want to ask you about your friend Helene.
    Is everything okay?
    Sorry that you quite a long time I was not here, but it's just lack of time.

    Regards from Scotland!

  14. Dommage, elle devait être belle cette photo.

  15. @Hélène : Ça c'est certain. Mais quand en plus il s'agit de quelqu'un de ta famille, qui ne prend même pas la peine de répondre, ça se corse, pour le moins !

  16. @France : Moi non plus je n'arrive pas à comprendre, pas du tout. D'accord, la jeune fille n'a que douze ans. C'est donc la permission des parents qui est refusée. C'est ma famille, tu comprends...

  17. @Sad Clown: It was from the heart... About Hélène: Hélène is my wife. She is also the local Secretary to the Treasury and all that. As such, she is the woman through which I survive. And she's in pretty good shape thank you!

    And you know, I perfectly understand how it works. don't ever become slave to the blogs! :-)))

  18. @Solange : Oh que oui, c'est dommage ! Le plus stupide est que la jeune file a sa propre page facebook avec tout plein de photos. Bien sûr, dans mon blogue, je n'identifie jamais un modèle, sauf permission expresse. Bien sîr !

    M'enfin... je vais faire comme si ça ne me faisait rien du tout.

  19. Bonjour Roger !
    Il est vrai que nous devons demander la permission avant de publier ou ce copier une image.
    Chose que je fais tout le temps.
    Je me refuse à avoir une page facebook. Ma nièce aui avait commencé un super blog sur Marseille a laissé tombé pour facebook. Elle ne vient même plus sur mon blog.
    Je comprends difficilement la réponse négative de la personne de ce beau portrait.

  20. @Claude : Merci pour ce super-commentaire, qui est aussi un témoignage. Dans ce cas-ci, la toute jeune fille a... douze ans. Je me suis donc adressé d'abord à ses parents, et c'est de là que je n'ai eu aucun feedback, même pas un accusé de réception de mes deux courriels. Mmm... Où est le danger ? Qu'un maniaque la recherche ? Mais il y a zéro identification personnelle.

    Aujourd'hui, je me promène avec mon formulaire d'autorisation. Si je veux photographier quelqu'un qui ne fait pas partie d'un événement public ou n'est pas une personne dite « publique » (remplissant une fonction publique), je fais signer un formulaire d'autorisation. Mes amis américains font de même. Photographier une femme dans une pose suggestive par exemple, sans autorisation, c'est courir après le trouble... si on publie, sur le web ou ailleurs.

    Mais dans le cas présent ? Mmm... Il faut de tout.

    Le portrait original, non grisé et pâli, est pourtant magnifique.

    Merci encore une fois pour tes réflexions à ce sujet.


  21. @Roger

    Very nice to hear such a response.
    I'm really happy that everything is fine!

  22. BIEN je te souhaite une belle

  23. Una bella imagen sigue intentandolo seguro que lo consigues animo.
    Un abrazo

  24. "Dear parents of the little girl,

    As a permanent follower of Roger's blog and in the name of the other followers (I am sure it's a 100% vote), please give Roger your authorization to post the portrait on his blog.
    Your acceptance will be highly appreciated by us, it's not about press or magazines or other types of media, it's a wonderful professional blog about art and photography.
    Thank you so much for your understanding and support and we are looking forward to seeing the portrait.

    Best regards,

  25. Roger thanks for coming back here to me sometimes enter as many fans to greet it is difficult to hope you're well.
    A cordial greetings Jose Ramon

  26. Bonjour, je te remercie pour ton commentaire et la mise au point que tu as bien voulu faire sur ma publication. Je te souhaite une bonne semaine.

  27. OUI il fait beau tu pe venir si tu veux bisou

  28. Dommage que la publication soit refusée ...mais que dire !!!
    bonne journée à toi

  29. @France : à toi aussi... mais très en retard, comme d'habitude ! Je vais aller te voir sur ton blogue...


  30. @maricruzpe: thank you very much... I will announce something about this later today...

  31. @adela: Dear Adela, this is a wonderful testimony. I hope it reaches them today. Keep in touch, I have reached a decision about this...

  32. @José: Thank you very much for your words. I know how difficult it is to do some creative works AND keep in touch with our followers! It is sometimes impossible.

    But I will try to make amends and leave a word more often... because I often look at your blog for some inspiration. You are doing some wonderful photography and I have many things to learn yet.

    Peace, and many hugs!


  33. @Tanette : Mais de rien, voyons... c'est toujours un plaisir de te lire.


  34. @Beatriz: thanks for your comment... I will have something new about this portrait today...

  35. @Florian : il neige encore ici et c'est blanc blanc blanc blanc ! :-)))

  36. @merenature : merci... j'aurai du nouveau à ce sujet aujourd'hui...

  37. you definitely is a great artist.
    a hug

  38. dear roger - after having left a comment on the finished photo earlier, i come back tonight to find it gone? i hope that its absence does not mean what i think - and am very sorry if it does, in fact - best wishes -

  39. @Reltih: If you say so, my South-American friend... I often doubt that I am an artist at all! You know how it is...

    Roger, from Québec

  40. @Jenean: It means, dear Jenean, that it has become too complex for me. I finally learned that the matter was discussed... and apparently 4 persons must be consulted, and that does not include the young girl!

    Too weird... I don't want to enter in this kind of thing, so i took the post out. It will maybe reappear, but frankly I'm a bit fed up with it right now. All that fuss over a beautiful portrait of an unidentified girl. Sometimes...

  41. i am so very sorry, roger, of this latest - and do so understand how such a thing can become something different than ever thought and that one must then, in self-preservation, perhaps, simply withdraw - very sad - one can hope that sooner rather than later those others will come to realize what their actions/omissions have cost not only themselves, but this dear child! my thoughts are with you! come back soon with more of your magnificent images! ;)

  42. @Jenean: I sincerely thank you for caring about this thing. I must tell you however that this image is dead. Deader than dead. It's not available for anybody anymore, and won't ever be. I am not specially fond of that kind of yoyo game. More than that, there is that Sicilian side of me that does not forget easily.

    It is horrendously difficult for me to have someone finding only one negative comment as an analysis - I don't like that there is no background - Shit! I will not explain why this is not a "portrait" but a deep look upon Human Nature. I won't explain that there is nothing left to chance in that look, those eyes, the tension enhanced by the totally black background, the uneasiness of the posture resulting from that.

    The Sicilian in me will say no to a print for them, as it will probably happen one day or the other. I don't do family snapshots, nope.

    A bad taste.

  43. @SKIZO: Thanks! And thank you for you visit, Skizo!



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I'm always happy to read your comments, whether you are a photographer or not, an expert or not! :-)