And The Third Riddle!
OK, let's cut right to the point : What is this? Could it be the new Boeing 999, rarely seen and then only by freaks?
Hurry up, the answer is coming this afternoon! :-)
Roger Gauthier, The Photographer Who Came From The Cold
Et la troisième devinette !
Allons directement au point : Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Serait-ce le nouveau Boeing 999, très rarement vu et seulement par des farfelus ?
Dépêchez-vous, je donne la réponse cet après-midi !:-)
Roger Gauthier, Le photographe venu du froid
Third Riddle: What Is This? / Troisième devinette : Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
or.. maybe...
RépondreEffacerlava lamp :D
ist es ein hochgeschindigkeitsboot?
RépondreEffacerliebe grüße lissi
un essuie glace !!!!
RépondreEffacerIt closely resembles a fish, EVEN THOSE WHO ARE FOUND NO.
RépondreEffacerA HUG
@smalldot: Why not a red crocodile? :-)
RépondreEffacer@Lissi: ein hochgeschwindigkeitsboot? Beim Zeus, sieht es wie Sie es! :-)
RépondreEffacer@Suzanne : woohoo... premier prix pour l'imagination. l'imagination la plus fertile, c'est toi qui l'as ! Hi hi hi...
RépondreEffacer@Reltih: A fish that is not a fish... It is true that some fishes do not look like fishes, but this one surely is very weird !
RépondreEffacerHello Roger :-) Nice to see you again!! I've been getting updates from your blog page and the last three ,made me so curious that i had to enter quick... they look like some art work into the glass... defo not weird aquatic creatures :-)
RépondreEffacer@Hey Hello Spyder long time no see! I've been neglecting your blog recently, shame on me. I will see to that in the following days you can be sure! :-)))
RépondreEffacerArt work into glass... you know that DOES look like it! Answer coming up in an hour or two, and you will see that you are not much off the mark!
Owww Roger don't worry, you have all the time in the world to come by :-), i've been neglecting my blog also because of technical problems, the computer decided its much better to take a brake after failed on me few times!! Hope this new one will allow me to be around much often...
RépondreEffacerI cant wait to see the answer!!now i am double curious :-)
@Magda: Sorry to hear that your PC died on you, sh** happens from time to time... and let's face it, they make them much cheaper nowadays. And I mean cheaper as in cheaper, you know... They have all those cute gizmos, but by God they die on you faster than fast! :-(
RépondreEffacerBut cheer up, the one you just bought is better than the next one you're gonna buy!