Ciels d'Indiana
Le ciel d'Indiana, photographié tôt au printemps en compagnie de James Longster, photographe d'art professionnel.
Roger Gauthier, Le photographe venu du froid
Indiana Skies
The Indiana sky photographed in early Spring during a photo trip with James Longster, professional art photographer.
Roger Gauthier, The Photographer who came from the cold
You are very, very good at skies. I think this was outside of Fowler, was it not? I love the low horizon, as if the world were only there so that the sky had a counterpoint. Once again, Black and white, shows its power.
RépondreEffacerExcellent B&W... and balance.
RépondreEffacerLa fragilité de la maison est bien rendue.
RépondreEffacer2 photo dignes d'un film poétique et un rien mélancolique!