
mardi 8 août 2017

James Longster : le photographe photographié / James Longster: The Photographer Photographed

James Longster : le photographe photographié

Photo prise en juillet à Blainville alors que nous étions tous les deux à la chasse macrophotographique.

Roger Gauthier, Le photographe venu du froid


James Longster: The Photographer Photographed

I took this photo in July of this year. Both he and I were then looking for bug shooting.

Roger Gauthier, The Photographer who came from the cold

3 commentaires:

Peu importe que vous soyez photographe ou non, expert ou non, je serai toujours heureux de lire vos commentaires ! :-)
I'm always happy to read your comments, whether you are a photographer or not, an expert or not! :-)