
lundi 24 août 2009

Water Lilies: Life's Microcosm / Nénuphars : microcosme de la vie

Water Lilies: Life's Microcosm

This series is about water lilies, life, and art. Hmm... is it art? Or not? The truth is that nobody really knows what is art. Art does not equal beauty, that's for sure, even if they sometimes (often?) coincide. I'm not overly proud of those images. So have a look and comment, I will read with great interest.

1600 x 2400 pixels desktop images are sent to Followers.

Roger Gauthier


Nénuphars : microcosme de la vie

Cette série touche les nénuphars, la vie, et l'art. Hmm... Au fait, est-ce de l'art ? Ou pas ? La vérité est que personne ne sait vraiment ce qu'est l'art. Art n'est pas synonyme de beauté, loin de là, même si les deux coïncident parfois (souvent ?). Je ne suis pas très fier de ces images. Jetez donc un coup d'oeil et commentez, je vous lirai avec le plus grand intérêt.

Des versions écran de 1600 x 2400 pixels sont envoyés aux Abonnés fidèles.

Roger Gauthier

Water Lilies 1 / Nénuphars 1

Water Lilies 2 / Nénuphars 2

Water Lilies 3 / Nénuphars 3

13 commentaires:

  1. Je crois que je préfère par dessus tout la première pour sa netteté et le reflet de la réalité , je ne crois pas être bon juge puisque je reviens toujours choisir celle qui d'après moi ressemble le plus à la réalité !Bonne journée !

  2. Magnifique et je dirai même magique ces photos j'adore voir cela chez vous et pourquoi pas chez moi.

  3. Comme le dit france oui j'adore aussi les nénuphars c'est bien magique

  4. Bob wrote: I LIKE THE THIRD ONE,,,,


    Bob a écrit : J'AIME LA TROISIÈME,,,,

  5. Thank you for your comments, guys. A special hello to France and Sandra from France, a country with unbreakable links to Québec, a country that I have visited several time and will surely visit again in the year to come! :-)


    Merci à vous tous. Un boujour spécial à France et Sandra de France, un pays avec des des liens indestructibles avec le Québec, un pays que j'ai déjà visité plusieurs fois et que je vais sûrement visiter à nouveau durant l'année qui vient ! :-)

    Roger Gauthier

  6. sorry but they are not my thing...

    top one is far too busy for me, the colors dont quite cute it for me (overcast day perhaps) and I find it hard to find the point of interest....
    second shot, not a fan of this effect.... I think that if you wanted it to be more painting/photo borderline, you should have gone more aggressive..
    Third one is quite abstract, which I will leave others to critic as I know rien du tout sur l'abstract..


  7. @Steff: That's some heavy battering, amigo! :-) But then that's what I'm asking for and quite happy to get it. This is an opinion that I respect entirely. My problem was that I wanted to show life ebbing away, not lilies at their best, far from it. I may well not have succeeded. Keep in mind however that those were quite experimental and meant not to be something else. Such is life... I will not comment the third one either... :-)

    Roger Gauthier


    @Steff: Tout un jab, amigo ! Mais c'est ce que je recherche et je suis heureux de lire ta réaction. C'est une opinion que je respecte entièrement. Je voulais montrer une vie qui était près de sa fin et non des nénuphars à leur meilleur. Il est fort possible que j'aie raté mon coup. Ne perds pas de vue toutefois que ce sont des photos expérimentales et rien d'autre. C'est la vie... Je ne vais pas commenter la troisième non plus ! :-)

    Roger Gauthier

  8. I didnt mean to sound like battering your hard work, for this I apologise, but as you keep telling us, the point of this blog is to give you comments/opinions and critics on your work... and although I enjoy most of your work (for those who dont know you have enspired me / helped me into photography), but in this occasion I had to be more negative as its what I felt when looking at the pics...


  9. Hey Steff, sorry about this, my answer didn't come out as I wish it had. I tried my hand at a bit of British humour and failed... Of course:

    1. you have the right not to like those pictures;
    2. it is a very good thing that you comment on them the way you did.

    If I may say so, it's more than healthy and makes me think again about them, and THAT is the main point, isn't amigo?

    Keep up the good work... and those kinds of critiques, by all means! After all we agree on so many things, it would be fishy if we didn't disagree on some.

    Roger Gauthier


    Hé Steff, je suis désolé, je crains que ma réponse ne traduise pas réellement le fond de ma pensée. J'ai voulu faire un peu d'humour British sans trop de succès. Bien sûr :

    1. c'est ton privilège de ne pas aimer ces photos ;
    2. c'est une très bonne chose que tu les commentes de cette façon.

    Il est très important que tu me fasses ce genre de critique, ça me fait réfléchir encore au sujet de ces photos, et ÇA, c'est le plus important, n'est-ce pas amigo ?

    Continue de la sorte et n'hésite pas à critiquer de cette façon. Nous sommes d'accord sur tant de choses après tout, il serait bizarre que nous n'ayons pas quelques différences d'opinion de temps à autre.

    Roger Gauthier

  10. Hola!

    No need to say sorry... I think that we both understand eachother, and both appreciate eachothers criticism.
    We can also have a good laugh...

    I will carry on giving you my opinion when I think it matters (positive or negative) and I sure hope you will carry on doing the same to me!


    (on snow leopard)


    Maintenant en Francais (quite funny)


  11. And I would say no need of explaining or asking yourself is this art or not,what was your idea to show us? I love the 3-one,its almost as Japanese prent,very delicate.And as for the other green beauties,love those too,each breath you did not take to press the button to capture the image( or am I being too romantic with my understanding of photography)
    is worthy of our attention.Beautiful,:O) Aleksandra Ciao

  12. Dear Aleksandra,

    I think you're wrong. Photographers are not looked upon the same way as painters, and what a shame. There is always this need to explain what and why for a photographer. Painters have earned more liberty through hard times.

    In photography, it must always be... well take those lilies. They're not the most beautiful lilies, they're not meant to. They're part of a cycle of Life. And later they will be dying, maybe ugly, and still worthy of my lens, and after that my painter-like work on the computer.

    I must always explain... I should stop that. I'm often told "Your work would never win any contest". Thank God for that.

    I've also been told "This is certainly not art". True maybe, but heartbreaking. I'm still looking for a definition of art. So many think that art must be "beautiful"!

    Do you remember this?

    So come, my friends, be not afraid.
    We are so lightly here.
    It is in love that we are made;
    In love we disappear.
    Tho’ all the maps of blood and flesh
    Are posted on the door,
    There’s no one who has told us yet
    What Boogie Street is for.

    Thanks for stopping by, I will think about you.

    Roger Gauthier, The Lost Photographer


    Chère Aleksandra,

    Je pense que tu n'as pas raison. On ne regarde pas un photographe comme on regarde un peintre, quelle tristesse. Il faut toujours expliquer quoi et pourquoi. Les peintres ont gagné plus de liberté au travers de périodes difficiles.

    En photographie, il faut toujours... comme pour ces nénuphars. Ce ne sont pas les plus beaux, ce n'était pas voulu. Ils font partie d'un cycle de vie. Et plus tard ils mourront et seront toujours dignes d'une photo, et ensuite et post-traitement sur ordi.

    Je dois toujours expliquer... je devrais arrêter. On me dit souvenet : « Tes photos ne gagneraient jamais aucun concours. » Dieu merci pour ça...

    On m'a aussi dit « Ce n'est certainement pas de l'art ». Vrai peut-être, mais ça brise le coeur. Je cherche toujours une définition de « l'Art ». Tant de gens pensent que l'art doit être « beau » !

    Te souviens-tu ?

    So come, my friends, be not afraid.
    We are so lightly here.
    It is in love that we are made;
    In love we disappear.
    Tho’ all the maps of blood and flesh
    Are posted on the door,
    There’s no one who has told us yet
    What Boogie Street is for.

    Merci de t'être arrêtée ici.

    Roger Gauthier, le photographe perdu

  13. Me wrong? Can not beeee!! No,seriously,what do you mean,wrong about what? Looking at your photos as if Im looking at art, as I look in the eyes of a little bird,or looking at the most beautiful sunset or just looking at art.Art is stopping to be art wright there where you start asking your self is it art.I mean,think of those millions talented writers,painters,dancers,actors,photographers,directors,gardeners,kooks,musicians,just all those anonime juwels who are still waiting to be descoverd on the bookshelves,in the darkest corners of the earths treasuredome,by the eye of an true art lover,and not knowing of and not being botherd by those who are in high places and positions,loaded with money and surounded by more of those and than from there dictating what should be called art.Common,I do not by that any more,they are not making me or you artist.I will be dead,not famous,and poor but artist in my bones and heart.Thats why I can see what most people can not see,it is a gift,and I see you are gifted too.If you have to earn your living by the work you make than I can say'Huston,we got the problem!" :O) this is getting too long,darn I just want you to get my point not to say Im right you are not,only respect.
    Pfhueii,im tired now.Well,I will send my sencere and warm thoughts all the way to your cold North,take care,and ciao,Aleksandra ( Lets see what saga have I wrote this time, :O))


Peu importe que vous soyez photographe ou non, expert ou non, je serai toujours heureux de lire vos commentaires ! :-)
I'm always happy to read your comments, whether you are a photographer or not, an expert or not! :-)